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Alamere Falls Hike

-Alamere Falls Hike-


SAC Carpool meetup spot: IKEA in West Sac at 6:45am, depart 7am

The Meetup Spot: (Trailhead) Meet at Trailhead at 9:15am.

Carpool Fee from SAC is $25. We will meet PaloMarin Trailhead (end of Mesa Rd in Point Reyes, Ca).  This is a winding road with cyclists.  Please allow plenty of time for driving.  Park on the left-hand side of the road.  We will gather at the trail head in the parking lot.

The Hike Plan:

Alamere Falls has to be one of my favorite hikes in the bay area. You start from the Palomarin Trail Head-Alamere Falls (check the parking signs -- they will give you a ticket!). The hike to Alamere takes you along the coast trail with some spectacular views, then inland through the forested area, the past Bass Lake which you can check out and finally to the Falls. The hike down to the falls is not maintained and pretty much just all loose slate, so wear some aggressive tread or be prepared to slip and fall (and if you do, don't worry, you wont be the only one :)). Finally getting to the beach and looking up at the falls is truly magical. Check the weather first and make sure to go on a fully sunny day for the best experience. I'd say this is moderate difficulty and is great for couples, groups, or just solo. 

What To Bring:

Good hiking boots/shoes; hat; sunscreen; backpack, at least 1 liter of water and camera too, if you’re a photog. DRESS IN LAYERS and wear long pants!  Weather can be unpredictable, so have layers that you can shed.  Food to eat; there is no food for purchase along the way.  Consider…dried fruit/nuts/seeds, chips, dips, salsa, wraps, meats/cheeses, sliced sandwiches, salads, cheese/crackers, - be creative!

Tips for an enjoyable hike:

• Carry more water than you than you think you’ll drink – 2 liters is best.

• Fill your water bottles half way night prior, then top off in the am.

• Bring a paper or plastic bag for your trash. Pack it in-pack it out.  We don’t leave trash on the trail.

• Bring some cash for a possible post-hike lunch.

• Bring post hiking shoes.  Your feet will thank you.

Earlier Event: May 28
Trivia Night
Later Event: June 11
Trivia Night