Steep Ravine Hike-
The Meetup Spot: (Trailhead) Meet at Trailhead at 9am.
Carpool Fee from SAC is $25. We will meet at Stinson Beach Community Center. Stinson Beach is on the backside of Mt. Tamalpais; this is a winding road with cyclists. Please allow plenty of time for driving. Park on the left-hand side of the road. We will gather at the trail head, just a few feet north of the Community Center.
The Hike Plan:
We will hike this gorgeous7 mile loop hike (4 hours), beginning and ending at Stinson Beach. The hike features a bit of everything: waterfalls, lush forests, grasslands, canyons, and views galore. We will have a mid-hike break for snacking at the Pantoll Ranger Station. On a scale of easy to strenuous, this hike is moderate.
What should I bring?
Good hiking boots/shoes; hat; sunscreen; backpack, at least 1 liter of water and camera too, if you’re a photog. DRESS IN LAYERS and wear long pants! Weather can be unpredictable, so have layers that you can shed. Food to eat; there is no food for purchase along the way. Consider…dried fruit/nuts/seeds, chips, dips, salsa, wraps, meats/cheeses, sliced sandwiches, salads, cheese/crackers, - be creative!
Tips for an enjoyable hike:
• Carry more water than you than you think you’ll drink – 2 liters is best.
• Fill your water bottles half way night prior, then top off in the am.
• Bring a paper or plastic bag for your trash. Pack it in-pack it out. We don’t leave trash on the trail.
• Bring some cash for a possible post-hike lunch.
• Bring post hiking shoes. Your feet will thank you.