Are you ready to get spooked? Get scared out of your mind? Want to fine out if you can face your fear of the dark, the unknown, creepy, scary guys running around to scare your pants off? Or just want to get drinks and have fun celebrating halloween?
If your answer is YES to any of the above, then come join us at one of the scariest, kinkiest halloween haunted house tour ever to be created :-)
We'll meet at The Armory Club to calm our nerves before we head out to the SCARE HOUSE!! We'll walk over at 8pm to get in line, so come out and have fun.
BUY TICKETS HERE (Please make sure your tickets are for the 28th Wednesday 8:30pm tour as we are going in as a group)
We may come in contact with water (or fake blood eve), or be touched by actors, so don't wear nice shoes, keep it casual and fun. I wouldn't recommend being in a costume either, save that for the actual Halloween night!!
7 Things you show know before entering the Armory Haunted House:
1. There is standing around.
2. Don't be claustrophobic, asthmatic, epileptic, or have any history of seizures or serious panic issues.
3. This "Erotic Haunted House" is less erotic and more chaotic than last year.
4. Don't listen to the coat check lady when she says "there's no risk of splashing or risk of clothing stains."
5. Your Christian cousins may not enjoy this tour.
6. The concept this year is based on Dante's Inferno.
7. You will be thrust in darkness, screamed at, pushed, and touched...ALOT!!