Doors open at 6pm, early show is at 6:30
Late Show: Doors open at 8:30pm, show is at 9:00pm
EVENT DETAIL: Sacramento premiere of Paradise Waits
When: Wednesday, October 21. Early: 6:00 doors, 6:30 show. Late: 8:30 doors, 9:00 show.
Where: Tower TheatreHow Much:$15 advance, $20 day of show. Only $7 for ages 16 and under (early show) so bring the groms!
Details: Free lift tickets to Squaw Valley AND Mt Bachelor for all attendees!SHOW #1 - 6:30 SHOW #2 - 9:00
EVENT DESCRIPTION: Get ready Sacramento - on Wednesday, October 21, TGR is rolling back into town for the one-night only premiere of our new ski and snowboard film, Paradise Waits. Come catch the movie on the big screen and have a shot at winning more swag than we've ever had before - plus a chance at the tour grand prizes: a trip to shred Japan with SASS Global Travel, a trip for two to our hometown resort Jackson Hole, or a Sony Action Cam / Atomic skis prize pack!
Best of all - everyone wins. FREE Mon-Fri non-holiday lift ticket to our longtime partners at Squaw Valley AND Sun-Fri non-holiday lift ticket to Mt Bachelor for all attendees!
On-sale now! Available online, or locally at Land Park Ski and Sports!