A Night in the Beer Gardens at Whole Foods Market in Folsom
Whole Foods Market and NorCal Snowboarders are teaming up once a month from July to October for a "Night in the Beer Gardens with NCS" Sponsored by Whole Foods Market Folsom.
Whole Foods Market in Folsom will be setting aside 4 Fridays for a"Night at the Beer Gardens with NorCal Snowboarders" sponsored by Whole Foods Market. From 7pm until 9pm. Just show your wristband that will be provided for you if you're a NCS member, and receive $1 off all Pints on Tap for our group.
If you're a new member, now is the perfect time to rsvp and meet your fellow NCS people. You can't go wrong with a beer, and good conversaion. So come on out to WFM for some socializing with other members and let's give WFM a feel for who we are. They will be catering Lake Days, Bike rides, and many other events put on by NCS. Hope to see you all there!!