October 20, 2012 @ Gibson Ranch (Sacramento)
Purchase tickets here:
Enter promo code: norcal, for $10 off.
If you're military you'll get a military discount but enter the code norcal anyway.
Sign up for the 10:30am Slot!
Tired of the same old mud run? Have a sick fascination with man eating zombies? Get ready to run for your lives! Running Dead will be zombie infested 5k/10k obstacle course mud run. For those of you who are not familiar with this format it means that we will have military style training obstacles that you would see in a boot camp, as well as a mud pit that you must traverse in order to survive the zombie apocalypse. Also, each runner will have flag football flags attached to their waists that the zombies will try to take, but if you make it to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) with at least one of your flags still attached you have officially survived the zombie apocalypse! If not, you will be lost to the world of the undead. You had better get training now, because remember, zombies hate fast food!
Running Dead is an apocalyptic 5k and 10k obstacle mud run (race). You aren't just running against the clock- you are running from zombies!
• Before the race, you will be given a flag belt, just like the game of flag football. These flags represent your health.
• The zombies want to take your flags and maybe eat your brains.
• If you lose all your health flags, you die. And the zombies win.
• Throughout the 5K (or 10k) obstacle race, there will be a series of man-made and natural obstacles for you to complete. Runners may choose NOT to complete an obstacle, BUT any runner who skips an obstacle will not be eligible for prizes.
• There will be zombies. Their job is to chase you and eat you — but mainly go after your health, in the form of your flag belt. Avoid the zombies to keep your health flags.
• Use speed, strategy and your intact brains to make it to the FINISH LINE “alive” with at least ONE FLAG INTACT. If you finish with zero health flags, this means the zombies have successfully transformed you into the “undead”; your time will be recorded, but you will not be eligible for awards.
• For training tips, “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
• All Runners will get a course map prior to the event to assist with training. Be on the lookout for the email containing your map after you buy your ticket.
•An official form of identification (license, passport, photo ID, etc) or a parent/guardian if you are a minor. We will not be able to let you into the event otherwise.
• Heart (preferably your own, still beating).
• Cash for food, beer and zombie gear (ATMs will be NOT BE available site).
• You will be covered in mud, zombie guts, body parts, and other undead liquids after the race so bring a towel and change of clothing (especially socks and clean shoes to change into).
• Feel free to bring a lawn chair if you want to stick around and catch some of our live entertainment.
• Check the weather before the event to make sure you are prepared (i.e. umbrellas, warm gear, cold gear, wet gear, etc.).
• Bring $10 cash for parking and please have cash ready. We highly recommend you car-pool.
• Outside food and beverages.
• Any and all weapons.
• Pets. Even if they’re trained to hunt zombies.
Bibs and Chips
• Racing bibs and chip timers will be used by all runners during Running Dead.
• The chips will make sure your time is accurately recorded. The bibs will play a large role in identifying if you have been transformed into a zombie.
• Please attach your bib and chip prior to making your way to the starting line.
Release of Guardian and Liability Waiver:
All participants under 18 years of age will have to have a guardian release form signed the day of the event. No minors will be allowed into the event without an adult. ALL RACERS will fill out a liability waiver or have a guardian fill it out if under 18.
More info here:
Purchase tickets here:
Enter promo code: norcal, for $10 off.
If you're military you'll get a military discount but enter the code norcal anyway.
Sign up for the 10:30am Slot!
Unfortunately, there's been overwhelming demand to be one of the undead and volunteering for free to be one is now impossible...unless there's enough of them shot to the head there won't be an opening but who knows, I might just pick one or two of you lucky victims to be be infected :) There is however, plenty of room to become ZOMBIE FOOD!