Taxes are due on Friday... If you haven't filed, you're probably going to need some practice scaling those prison walls! Join the Norcal crew for a little indoor rock climbing from 6pm to 9pm at Pipeworks in downtown Sacramento and practice your escape! For those that have never climbed before, this is a great chance to try it out amongst friends and learn all about belaying, how to properly tie your rope and the best way to plummet to the ground as gracefully as possible.
If you are new to climbing, you need to get there at 6PM sharp!You'll need to rent your gear, get trained on proper climbing safety as well as pass the rope tie and belay test before you can start climbing... All this could take up to an hour, so don't be late! If you are a seasoned climber, feel free to help teach the newbies climbing safety so we can hurry the process along.
Climbing pass: $12
Harness, Belay device and climbing shoes rental: $6
Watching your friends fall from 3 stories up: Priceless!